Does the net asset value of Guotai CES semiconductor chip industry ETF continue to grow?
Release time:2024.09.27 Number of views:445

The Cathay CES Semiconductor Chip Industry ETF (code 512760), also known as the Cathay CES Semiconductor Chip Industry ETF, announced its latest net asset value on September 25th, rising 0.75%. The Guotai CES Semiconductor Chip Industry ETF was established on May 16, 2019, with its performance benchmark being the return rate of the China Trading Service Semiconductor Chip Industry Index. Since its establishment, the fund has achieved a return of 45.88%, a return of -18.73% this year, a return of -2.23% in the past month, a return of -19.72% in the past year, and a return of -50.01% in the past three years. The fund manager is Ai Xiaojun. Ai Xiaojun has been managing (or intending to manage) the fund since April 17, 2019, with a return of 45.88% during his tenure.The top ten heavily held stocks of the fund are shown in the chart.1727312076316.png